What is RegenATS?
Technology platform for Standardised autologous regenerative medicine. Technology Advantages:
- User-independent standardised preparation
- Safe closed-circuit system
- Minimum volume of blood required
Biological advantages:
- RegenPRP® is standardised, leucocyte reduced and easily reproducible RegenLab(R) specific separating gel technology guarantees minimal variability
- High platelet quality - Viable and functional platelets
- Full plasma recovery - no loss of plasma growth factors and fibrinogen Scientific Advantages: Demonstrated safety and efficacy
- Evidence-based outcomes for numerous therapeutic indications
- Large number of clinical studies, with over 200 publications
What is RegenATS?
The addition of autologous thrombin serum (ATS) to Regen PRP physiologically starts the coagulation process and thus enables the production of a leucocyte-reduced platelet gel.
Autologous thrombin serum (ATS) converts soluble fibrinogen to fibrin monomers that polymerise into a clot. This natural process induces the formation of a three-dimensional fibrin matrix in which the platelets become embedded. This allows for long-lasting growth factor delivery to the treatment site and the matrix serves as a scaffold for new tissue reconstruction.

The combination of Regen PRP and RegenATS offers different application possibilities. By adding ATS to the liquid PRP, different viscosities can be achieved. In this way, Regen PRP can be brought into the optimal state and the desired shape for the respective application. The result is a leukocyte-reduced platelet gel (platelets embedded in fibrin matrix), which can also be used as a dimensionally stable membrane, for example. The leucocyte-reduced platelet gel has adhesive properties and falls under the scope of tissue engineering.